
Welcome to my family's Disney blog. I am a 30 year old Disney addict, married to a 29 year old Disney addict (he may not admit that though), and the mom to two little girls that are growing up to follow in their Disney addict momma's footsteps. I am constantly looking up anything and everything Disney, so I thought I would create this blog to share with my family and friends all the fun Disney things we do and find.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Penny Press

Today the girls decorated their containers for the penny press machines at Disney World. I love being able to have them do stuff like this and them not have any clue that we are going to Disney soon. They think everything we are doing is to get ready to go maybe next summer.
When I picked them up from school I had them each a drink and a tube of the mini m&m's for their snack, healthy I know, haha! I bought a couple packages of princess stickers and let them decorate anyway that wanted. When deciding on colors of things we usually do green stuff for Abby and blue for Baylee because of their eye color. :) So Abby's is the green container and Baylee's is the blue one. I went ahead and filled them up and layered them with 2 quarters and 1 penny so it would be easy for them to separate at the park. You have to put 2 quarters in and your penny and when you do it you'll get a pressed Disney penny.
Here is the location of all the pressed penny locations around Disney World.

I found this online and thought it would be something neat to do with their pressed pennies later on.

Here is one example of what the penny press will do.

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